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EMS TRAINING got rid of my Lockdown Aches


Libby Donovan, 56, from Laleham, Middlesex, was struggling with various ailments caused by years of travelling for work and made worse by working from home throughout lockdown. Since starting EMS Training with Coach Claire Worman, not only have Libby’s aches and pains gone away, but she’s gained more muscle and strength than ever before.

As an Event Director for a US company, Libby has spent years traveling for work, typically being away from home for more than half of every year. “Spending years on long haul flights and carrying heavy luggage had left me with various ailments,” reflects Libby. “I first began seeing my coach, Claire Worman, over seven years ago – firstly for 1-2-1 Pilates and then Osteopathy to try and combat my aches and pains.”

When the pandemic began, like many others Libby was forced to begin working from home. “Although lockdown meant I wasn’t away traveling anymore, I found that sitting for hours at home in front of a screen was giving me terrible lower back pain and a really sore shoulder,” says Libby.

In September 2020, Coach Claire invested in miha bodytec’s EMS Training System and suggested that it would be perfect for Libby.

“We decided to swap my Pilates sessions for EMS Personal Training and I couldn’t believe how quickly I started to notice a difference,” says Libby. “My back and shoulder pain began to ease and, not just that, I began to feel much stronger and look more toned. Particularly in the early days, I often felt sore the day after a session, but I liked that – it felt like I’d really worked my body in just one 20-minute session."

“Seeing such fast results from EMS encouraged me to do more. Being away from home all the time made it difficult to maintain a regular fitness routine but being introduced to Electric Muscle Stimulation and seeing such great results became a real driving force for me” says Libby.

As well as one EMS session a week with Claire, Libby also does two or three yoga sessions a week and aims to walk 10,000 steps every day.

“It’s incredible how much EMS compliments other forms of exercise,” she says. “As my strength has improved with EMS, I’ve found my yoga practice has got better too. I’ve always struggled to build upper body strength, but EMS has helped me tone those muscles, which allows me to hold yoga poses I could never maintain before."

“What I love most about EMS Training is the efficiency. As a busy working mum of two and a carer for my mother, who has dementia, I couldn’t afford to spend hours in the gym. A 20-minute EMS session a week suits me perfectly. If someone asked me whether I’d want to invest in a gym membership or do EMS Training, it would be EMS without question. I have my session with Claire first thing on a Monday morning and it completely sets me up for the week and keeps me driven with my fitness regime until I see her again."

“Claire is fantastic and really tailors sessions to my exact strengths and weaknesses, and what areas I need to focus on. Claire always reminds me of the progress I’ve made and how much more intense my EMS sessions are now than when I started to give me that extra boost."

If you want to experience the incredible efficiency of EMS Training yourself, get in touch with one of our providers right away and book a trial session!

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©2021 Action Group & EMS-TRAINING.COM

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